Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Creating Magento 2 One-Page Checkout

The checkout page is undoubtedly one of the most crucial pages on any eCommerce website. It is where the customers decide whether or not to make the purchase. According to a survey, 60% of online shoppers leave an online store, irrespective of their budget, if the checkout process is time-taking or complicated.   


Therefore, almost every eCommerce website set up a one-page checkout to simplify the process and reduce the cart abandonment rate. However, if you are one of those business websites with default Magento 2 One Page Checkout extension, but willing to revamp the checkout experience, we are here to help. 


In this blog, we shall discuss all the mistakes and drawbacks of a checkout page, and solve them to increase the conversion rate of your eCommerce store. Let's get started!  


What is Magento 2 One Page Checkout?  

One-page checkout (also named one-step checkout) refers to the checkout process that gets completed using a single form on a single page. It collects all the order information like shipping, billing address, order total, product details, payment methods, and shipping options on one page.  


It is the opposite of multi-step checkout, which refers to the checkout that gets divided into 3-5 steps. The aim of every business should be to hire Magento 2 developer who can create single-page checkout to get the customer around the checkout process as easy as possible. As a result, store owners can increase their sales revenue.   


Top mistakes to avoid in Magento One Page Checkout  

Irrespective of the fact that one-page checkout is the most optimized checkout method today. Various store owners make mistakes during the one-step checkout phase and lose potential customers. Some of these common mistakes include:  


  • Advertisement:

Searching and choosing products are exhausting and time-taking. Too many advertising messages and banners with other attractive products at the last step can risk pushing your potential customers to go back and search for other better options. As a result, they may not return to the checkout page any time soon.   


  • Polls and questions:

The checkout pages are not the right place to ask customers about the feedback or ask marketing questions like “How did you get to know about us?” Customers don’t want to get disturbed by such questions related to their purchases.   


  • Creating an account: 

Many store owners require guests to create an account to complete their purchases. It is the biggest mistake any business marketer can make. Creating an account includes a lot of steps and fields for filling out. Such extra work and distractions will increase the cart abandonment rate very quickly. If you are keen on asking new customers about creating an account, ask them after the payment gets completed.   


  • No auto-fill:

Make sure you reduce the manual fill as much as possible for your valued customers. For instance, after the postal code gets entered, the location should get automatically identified. Another instance is that the shipping and billing addresses are similar. You can configure the checkout page to automatically fill the shipping address sector after the billing address field or to provide the customer with a special button.  


  • Unexpected extra cost: 

Imagine a customer finds what they were looking for and is ready to pay, but gets discouraged with additional delivery service costs. It won’t impress them. If your delivery service is not free, the fee should be mentioned in the search process. Never hide the additional cost as it will increase the risk of losing a potential customer.  


  • Special deals for customers:

If you offer special prices for some special buyer groups, you may push away customers with no access to those efforts. It is wise to remove those fields and make them visible to customers who can use such special deals.   


  • Lack of payment methods: 

 It is a huge disappointment when a customer wants to buy a product but cannot purchase it due to a lack of payment methods. Make sure all the popular payment methods get supported on your online store. Also, note that customers will leave the checkout page if your payment fees are higher than common fees or as expected in the market.



The best way to avoid such mistakes is to hire a professional eCommerce developer or Magento 2 development company, well-versed with the current trends and strategies. To learn more about Magento 2 one-page checkout, get in touch with our experts today.  

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